Thursday, December 9, 2010

~ Let Me Know ~

the clOck is ticking,
slow it dOwn, move it up...

the wOrld is spinning,
nO where tO run, nO where tO hide...

peOple talking,
clOse yOur ears, hOld me tight...

i'll be watching,
clOse yOur eyes, think of me...

yOu taught me life,
made me goOd, made me bad...

yOu taught me love,
made me lie, made me laugh...

yOu made me wise,
filled my head, filled my mind...

yOu made me brave,
gave me strength, gave me soul...

i'm gOnna gO,
this time without yOu...

Just let me knOw,
when yOu dO miss me...
